You cannot coach or volunteer with 14th Ward Youth Baseball without completing the clearance processes!
If you have questions about whether clearances from previous years are still valid, please email [email protected]
The 14th Ward clearance process has two parts:
Part 1: Complete the Babe Ruth League Clearance process (once every 2 years)
The Babe Ruth clearance process consists of creating a Sports Engine account and submitting info that is processed in a national screening database and completing an online child abuse training module that should take about an hour to complete. Follow the steps outlined in this document.
The league has purchased a code for coaches to use to cover their Babe Ruth League clearance fees.
The code for the 2024-25 Season (Spring and Fall) is: 243PA32610
If you accidently pay out of pocket for your clearances you may be reimbursed by emailing a copy of your receipt and request for reimbursement to [email protected].
Babe Ruth Clearances are good for two calendar years.
Part 2: Complete the steps required by PA Act 153 (once every 5 years)
PA Act 153 of 2014 requires the following of any adults who come into contact with children while serving in Pennsylvania, either as paid employees or unpaid volunteers:
Once completed - please email any certificates / acknowledgement documents to [email protected]. If you are required to get digital fingerprints please send all other materials and advise of your fingerprint appointment date and send the digital certificate when it is available.
Coaches and volunteers should make every effort to complete clearances ASAP and no later than March 31 for the Spring season. If clearances expire during a season you should renew them ASAP.
More general info
Babe Ruth League background screenings
Pittsburgh's 14th Ward Youth Baseball Association is committed to the safety of our players. We are affiliated with the national Babe Ruth League baseball organization which utilizes background screening by NCSI for our coaches, directors, and contractors. Background Screening by NCSI is the Gold Standard in youth and amateur sports because of the quality of service provided by NCSI and the depth of the background check. Unlike most discount screens, NCSI will do an in-depth identify verification, search over 800 million records from the national multi-jurisdictional databases, and sex offender registry, and then go to the local state and county searches. This is a key component missing from many discount searches, as many localities do not consistently report up to the national database providers. NCSI will then always do a thorough quality control review on the report before sending results back to the customer.
PA Act 153 Requirements
In addition to the Gold Standard background check performed by the Babe Ruth clearance process, 14th Ward Youth Baseball Association coaches, directors, and contractors remain compliant with Pennsylvania Act 153 of 2014. This Act requires that any adults who come into contact with children while serving in Pennsylvania, either as paid employees or unpaid volunteers, provide the following clearances before participating:
Criminal History Record Search from the PA State Police (PATCH) system.